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Specializing in Aging with Agility & Recreating with Skill

Meet Beth O'Dowd

Hello! I am Beth O’Dowd – a Board Certified Massage Therapist (NCBTMB), Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner®, and owner of Inside Out Movement & Massage.

For 25 years I have been working with people who have pain, injuries, movement limitations and stress. Although using a variety of massage techniques and modalities can be very helpful, it turns out that learning how to move better with less effort and more awareness, can help to prevent these issues to begin with. The combination of hands on body work and Feldenkrais Method® can improve your proprioception and help you better sense how you move from the Inside Out.

I am trained in a wide variety of modalities including:

  • Myoskeletal Therapy
  • Neuromuscular and Myofascial Therapy
  • Muscle Energy Techniques
  • Feldenkrais Awareness through Movement® Classes

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Keep reading about my background and experience here.

“Don’t substitute strength for skill.”

– Moshe Feldenkrais

What Are Awareness Through Movement Lessons (ATMs)?

The Feldenkrais Method of somatic education is a practice, a process, and a system for self-improvement. It is not a treatment, adjustment, or exercise program Instead it is based on decades of research in physics, neuroscience, biomechanics, learning theory, and human development to give you the means to help yourself.

It is about learning how to learn movement by tapping into our brain, nervous system, emotions and physical environment. Using small movements and curiosity to develop a more detailed map of yourself and increase your of movement options.

By using slow gentle movements and directed attention we can reveal hidden habitual or unnecessary muscular efforts in your movement patterns that may contribute to stress, pain or injury. The aim is to improve the ease of moving and range of movement possibilities and coordination. Easier movement can improve and influence all aspects of living a comfortable life.

By expanding your perceptions and increasing internal awareness you will sense how to move in easy efficient ways which can improve your physical performance. Often after a lesson you find greater ease, grace and lightness in your daily activities and sports, as well as a sense of wellbeing similar to mediation.

Qualities of the Method:

  • Finesse over Force
  • Refinement instead of repetition
  • Attention over effort
  • Organization over strength
  • Curiosity, experimentation and playfulness

Learn More About Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement for the Following:


Healthy Aging

Pain Relief


Posture or Acture?


At Inside Out, the intention is to reduce pain and improve function through hands-on treatments, movement lessons and clinics. The Feldenkrais Awareness through Movement (ATM) lessons are designed to direct and grow our awareness of “how” we move to improve the quality of movements. Inefficient movement habits can actually be the root cause of musculoskeletal pain and lack of mobility.

Better use of our structure with less unnecessary effort and stress can be essential to improving chronic pain conditions, optimizing athletic pursuits, and maintaining mobility as we age. Our culture often values building muscular strength and power using effort and repetition, but holding excess muscular activity can sabotage overall power, speed, and agility. Learning how to strip away unnecessary tension makes any movement from getting up from the floor to top of a mountain easier.

Learning to sense the functional relationship of our skeleton, muscles, and intentions brings new movement options and strategies. You can discover that balance, agility and even power are not dependent on strong individual muscles, but the awareness of how to bring your whole self to your actions through organization, coordination, and awareness.